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CDN Pricing & Features Comparison 2023

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CDN Cost Comparison (Global Traffic)

Monthly TrafficAkamaiCDN77CloudflareStackPath
6 TB plan~ $400$199~ $750$200
25 TB plan~ $1000$385~ $2800$800
50 TB plan~ $1700$580~ $3000$1800
100 TB plan~ $2500$990~ $3000$2000
150 TB plan~ $3000$1390~ $3000$4000

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CDN Features Comparison

24/7 Live Chat SupportFREEFREEPaidFREE
WAFYes, unspecified priceFREEFREEFREE with limitations
Origin ProtectionPaidFREEPaidFREE
VOD processing
CDN delivery only
Live streaming
CDN delivery onlyThrough 3rd party
Free customer SNI (LE)

Last update: 2023 How we made comparison estimates|

Why choose CDN77

We are aware that pricing isn't the only factor to consider when choosing a CDN provider. That's why we have prepared summary of main reasons why our clients choose us.

Explore reasons why to choose CDN77

What customers value about CDN77 the most

  • Very fast & helpful support
  • Great real time reporting
  • No hidden costs
  • Full edge locations control
  • Simple & Powerful API
  • Easy to understand interface
4.8/5G2 Crowd logo
4.7/5Capterra logo
4.8/5Crozdesk logo

Deliver your content with CDN77

How we estimated data for CDN comparison

Some providers have transparent and easy-to-understand pricing, some charge separately for various features and usage use-cases, some work with pricing quote requests only. We used all available public information in combination with our own market insights including information from our clients. We then bundled the services and their pricing in order to be comparable.

We used available market data, prices of CDN resellers and insights from our clients to estimate Akamai's costs. There are various pricing factors including overall traffic, possible traffic peaks, geo distribution of your end-users, solutions and features that you need and willingness to sign a long-term commitment contract.

The free plan is certainly unique but can't be compared with paid plans of other major CDN providers due to its limitations. Cloudflare charges per plan, domain, the number of features and solutions enabled (called ""rules""), traffic using their smart routing and so on.

We took into account the features and solutions other providers usually offer by default followed by a traffic cost estimation using Argo Smart Routing pricing with 10% ingress. 50, 100 TB and 150 TB plans are high enough to apply for custom enterprise plans starting at $3000.